Club 505
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 505 Break Familial greetings from Austria

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4 participants

Prénom : Chris
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2015
Voiture : 505 551F17

Localisation : Autriche
Nombre de messages : 1
Points : 3495
Age : 40

505 Break Familial greetings from Austria Empty
MessageSujet: 505 Break Familial greetings from Austria   505 Break Familial greetings from Austria Icon_minitimeMar 11 Aoû 2015 - 1:31

Hello 505 drivers,

My name is Christian and I’m living near the Lake of Constance (Lac de’Constance) in Austria.
Owning already a 504 Coupé I could not resist buying this beauty:
551F17 – Peugeot Break Familial 1986.
It is the last year with the XN1 motor here.
The body is nearly rust free, but has many dents from previous owner.
And a massive roof rack every taxi driver from Lagos would be jealous of (I've removed it now, its too heavy).

The car rested 9 years in a garage.
A little bit blue eyed I was thinking of driving it home Cool
With a little help of Friends and south bavarian’s oldest one man Peugeot Garage I made the journey.

My 2 main worries at the moment:
The Solex 34/34 Z1 Carburetor is in a very bad shape (buttyfly disc filed, sucking wrong air…)
It’s impossible to set up a correct idle speed.
Does someone has spare parts for this carburettor?
As alternative I have a Weber 38 ADS (Simca Chrysler 180) and 34 ADF 250 (Fiat) lying here, what would be the better replacement choice?

What wheels do have official documents for this heavy load rear axle?
I would like to use 6Jx15 505 GTI alloy wheels, do they have a permit?
What tyres do other 505 Break drivers use?

I think this is the right place for some nice chats and meet new enthusiasts.


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Prénom : Philippe
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2013
Voiture : 505 STI 2.8i 1987 Laguna Estate V6-24 308 1 HDI 110

Localisation : Bas Rhin
Nombre de messages : 41
Points : 4015
Age : 62

505 Break Familial greetings from Austria Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 505 Break Familial greetings from Austria   505 Break Familial greetings from Austria Icon_minitimeMar 11 Aoû 2015 - 18:56

Hi, Christian in Austria,

Welcome in club505forompro

In 1986, US 505 SW versions were equipped with 205/60 R15 tires. 15'' rims were only for sedan Euro versions.
Concerning Solex 34/34 Z1 maintenance kit look a that:

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Best regards

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Prénom : Stéphane
Date d'inscription : 10/12/2006
Voiture : 505 turbo 180cv , 505 turbo 160cv

Localisation : MERIEL 95630
Nombre de messages : 6557
Points : 12882
Age : 48

505 Break Familial greetings from Austria Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 505 Break Familial greetings from Austria   505 Break Familial greetings from Austria Icon_minitimeMer 12 Aoû 2015 - 17:20

Welcome to the Club 505!!
Good luck for the restauration! Very Happy

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bahi_ algerie
bahi_ algerie

Prénom : ibrahim
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2010
Voiture : 505 GTD 1987

Localisation : Algérie
Nombre de messages : 5027
Points : 11222
Age : 38

505 Break Familial greetings from Austria Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 505 Break Familial greetings from Austria   505 Break Familial greetings from Austria Icon_minitimeMer 12 Aoû 2015 - 17:31

hi and you welcome between us .

you have beautiful 505  Very Happy
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MessageSujet: Re: 505 Break Familial greetings from Austria   505 Break Familial greetings from Austria Icon_minitime

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505 Break Familial greetings from Austria
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